1. You can’t make it through a full-length movie, much less a one-hour TV show, without your Dr. Husband/Wife (Dr.H/W) falling asleep on the couch midway.
2. There are more pens in your house than in Office Depot.
3. Your bookshelf is 90% full of medical literature and 10% full of your personal ‘fun reading’.
4. Certain friends, colleagues and neighbors with schedules that conflict with your beloved’s doubt your Dr.H/W’s existence.
5. You have a weekly meeting with your Dr.H/W to compare schedules and to see if you can really make it to that girls’ night out.
7. When you meet new people, you expect them to ask you how realistic “Grey’s Anatomy” really is.
8. Your Dr.H/W has triaged a medical emergency on a plane (in only his socks. Yup.).
9. You’re constantly throwing away the surgical marking pens your Dr.H/W surreptitiously brings home.
10. By virtue of your spouse’s profession, people automatically assume you lead a rich and glamorous life (think again!).
12. Your partner is sometimes hesitant to tell new acquaintances what he/she does for a living, because he/she is constantly being asked for medical advice from strangers. Who are not patients.
13. You still haven’t fully unpacked your office after nearly two years in your new home (guilty!).
14. You receive letters every week for fundraisers and charity events.
15. Your Dr.H/W enjoys diagnosing diseases and identifying surgical scars, anywhere from the local mall to the people appearing on HGTV.
17. Your Dr.H/W has an unfair advantage both in Scrabble matches and in any Latin language category of “Jeopardy”.
18. The next vacation is always on your Dr.H/W’s mind.
19. You genuinely care about health care legislation, because it impacts your family.
20. Your wedding was planned during a more forgiving segment of your Dr.H/W’s training.
For more on the realities of life with a surgeon, check out my book, "When Medicine Meets Holy Matrimony: A Surgeon's Wife Tells It Like It Is"!
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