In a little less than 10 weeks, I’ll be having my second child. My husband, daughter and I are thrilled to welcome another baby girl into the world in December.
Here’s the problem – I’ve been beating myself up internally about all the things I should be doing with my writing and book promotion, on social media, around the house, and in preparation for our growing family, even though it’s physically impossible for me to tackle everything on my to-do list.
I’m at the point where it’s an extreme challenge just to put on my own shoes (aside from flip flops, standing up, of course).
Heartburn strikes at all hours, regardless of what I’ve eaten.
A daily nap is a must.
If I get two hours of writing work done on any given day, that’s a major win.
I’m now completely useless in the evenings, when I previously tied up loose ends and caught up on whatever I didn’t have time for during the day.
But, you know what? I also published a book while pregnant.
I suffered through months of debilitating nausea and still managed to complete and publish a freaking book – doing everything but the cover design and professional editing myself.
I’ve been interviewed on a podcast, in a local magazine, and for my business email and grammar expertise.
And I also managed to care for a three-year-old and a surgeon hubby on top of it all.
I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished in 2018.
Now I’m choosing to shift my own paradigm – altering the expectations I have for myself.
The reality is that I have about 2-4 hours of quality energy in my personal tank every day. Rather than moaning and groaning or denying this fact, I am going to start using that time wisely.
I will NOT waste energy obsessing over what I should be doing. I will NOT waste energy feeling guilty.
Instead, I’m going to enjoy this time that I will never get back: quality 1:1 time with my daughter and husband, and the joys of nesting and preparing for a new baby.
Ultimately, this means I’ll be taking an extended break from this blog, as well as social media.
I’ll be revving down instead of up so that I can focus on my family and stay sane and healthy.
I’ll be recharging my batteries so that I can enter this next exciting phase of life and give it my all.
I’ll share this journey with you, my readers, as time and energy allow.
In the meantime, I wish you all the best and brightest! If you need me, I'll probably be sleeping (while I can!).
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