Some people can do calculus. I’m not one of them. But, we all have our talents!
So, without further ado, I present your goals for the New Year!
My mind is incredibly powerful. It allows me to predict, with a 1% margin of error, at least one of your 2017 New Year’s resolutions.
Some people can do calculus. I’m not one of them. But, we all have our talents! So, without further ado, I present your goals for the New Year!
Eat healthier / cut down on carbs / cut down on sugar
Eat more vegetables
Join a gym / go to the gym to which I belong / get fit / stay fit / run a marathon
Quit drinking / drink less / avoid hangovers / quit smoking
Save more money / spend less money / create budget / stick to a budget / pay off debt / make a dent in debt / create kids' college fund
Spend more quality time with friends and family
Sleep more / stress less / enjoy life to the fullest / tackle my bucket list
Do things at my own pace / avoid getting caught up in the daily grind
Make time for myself and the things I enjoy
Meditate / start a journal / practice yoga / do deep breathing exercises on the subway
Good luck and Happy New Year!!
Why is this time of year both so magical and so stressful? Why do we dash from store to store looking for the perfect gifts, wait in crazy lines at the post office, and stay up until 11:34 pm baking gobs of goodies for the neighbors? One word: expectations.
The key to a less manic and happier holiday season is to manage expectations: starting with ourselves and branching out to our loved ones. If we expect to have a more fulfilling holiday, then we will have it. If you want to say no to gifts, then do it! There is no law against not giving gifts at Christmas. I’ll be perfectly honest with you: I come from a gift-giving family. Growing up, I loved getting gifts from Santa at Christmastime. I still remember the year my mom completely outdid herself (mom of the century!) with a Barbie themed Christmas that would knock your socks off. I received a Barbie limousine and a bunch of stylish Barbie duds my mom had—get this—HAND-SEWN. Can you imagine trying to sew clothing for a figure as disproportionate as Barbie? I was beyond myself with glee that year.
And yet, now, my aging 33-year-old brain can’t recall more than a few brief glimpses of Lite-Brite and bicycles of Christmas past.
You see, my fondest Christmas memories are not of the things I was fortunate enough to receive. No, my most treasured Christmas memories are of the times we spent with family and friends, while my dad dressed up as Santa and pretended to feed carrots to the reindeer. My favorite family Christmas traditions are hanging out in new PJs on Christmas Eve, eating fun appetizers and watching Christmas movies, and then eating a fancy breakfast on Christmas morning. Nothing too fancy.
It wasn’t until we had our daughter in 2015 that I became adamant against adult to adult Christmas gift giving. Here we were, blessed with this perfect, healthy and gorgeous little girl, and there was nothing else in the world we could possibly want.
It just seemed silly and pointless. Why give gifts that aren’t needed or wanted? Ever since, I’ve been lobbying in my family for time together to replace physical gifts. My ultimate goal is to get our entire family together for a vacation during the Christmas season. It hasn’t happened yet, but I know we’ll get there. And ‘there’ will be somewhere on a beach. It doesn’t even have to be a vacation. Unfortunately, my husband and I are smack dab in the middle of the country with our parents flanking both coasts, so travel isn’t always possible. When we are together, even if it’s not during Christmas, we aim to make the most of it.
Want to get in on the action?
Here are some ideas to replace things with family time and experiences, and maybe even help someone else along the way:
Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a very happy 2017! What are your favorite holiday traditions? Share in the comments! ![]()
Photo via jill via VisualHunt
Americans be travelin’. In 2015, American residents logged 1.7 billion person-trips* for leisure purposes, says the U.S. Travel Association (*person-trip=one person on an overnight trip away from home in paid accommodations, or on a day or overnight trip 50+ miles from home).
Per me (a very reliable, attractive and expert source), the Sharma family has contributed about half a billion of those leisure trips. Just kidding. We travel a lot, but not that much. That’s why I’ve written a baby/toddler travel guide blog series.
I’m so excited to talk about going international with your baby or toddler! With a little preparation, you’ll be well on your way to stamping that baby passport with a smile. Megan’s tips for going international:
Don’t forget to check out my earlier series blogs on traveling essentials and what to pack.
The baby/toddler travel guide series will return (yippee!) in January 2017 and will discuss baby-friendly Europe. Ciao, baby! Please feel free to post your baby/toddler travel questions and experiences in the comments section. I would love to hear from you. *Author’s note: these opinions are my own based on my many travel experiences. I have not been paid to endorse any products or services in this blog
My friends and family know all too well that packing is an activity that causes me a great deal of stress. I get very anxious about forgetting essential items and being unprepared for the weather. I also tend toward overpacking for the ‘in case of’ scenarios in my head.
The irony is that packing is a talent of mine. I have developed templates and checklists that keep me (somewhat) sane before venturing out and about. If you’re a parent, you understand that traveling with a baby or toddler means packing everything you own, whether your trip will last one night or one month. They just need so much STUFF, these babies. And woe to the parent who forgets the paci or favorite baby blanket…I don’t wish that on anyone. Thus, this edition of the baby/toddler travel guide series features my packing tips for babies and toddlers. I’ll start first with the general tips, and then you’ll gaze in wonder at my actual packing list templates. Try to contain your excitement as you download your own copies of my cheat sheets. :) Don’t forget to check out last week’s blog on the essentials of keeping your baby fed and happy while traveling.
Megan’s tried and true packing tips
And now, without further ado, here are my packing lists for infants and toddlers. Scroll to the bottom of this blog to download your own templates for personal use. Enjoy and happy trails to you! Infant packing listToddler packing listStay tuned next week for part three of the baby/toddler travel guide series: Going international. Please feel free to post your baby/toddler travel questions and experiences in the comments section! I would love to hear from you. *Author’s note: these opinions are my own based on my many travel experiences. I have not been paid to endorse any products or services in this blog Download the packing lists for your own use here: ![]()
Our friends and family sometimes think we’re nuts. Why? Because we have taken our daughter on our many jet-setting adventures around the world. She will be two in January. Pause for reaction…
Yes, our little sweetie has traveled to more international destinations before the age of two than I did before I turned 30. In fact, J. took her first flight when she was only two months old so we could house-hunt in Illinois, and has been on dozens since. She’s a lucky ducky! Most recently, we visited Ireland in August. It was spectacular and very child-friendly, but more on that in a future blog. I would like to share some of the lessons we have learned along the way to help other parents gather up the courage to travel with their baby or toddler. We highly recommend it! Let’s kick it off with the essentials for your young child.
Milk. They want it, and you’d better have it! Here are my tips:
You can also find some great tips for traveling with your baby here. Stay tuned next week for part two of the baby/toddler travel guide series: What to pack. Please feel free to post your baby/toddler travel questions and experiences in the comments section! I would love to hear from you. *Author’s note: these opinions are my own based on my many travel experiences. I have not been paid to endorse any products or services in this blog. |
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