Now, I'm all for accountability and doing what's right. But every now and then we need a polite reason to say 'no'.
Check out these totally legit excuses for just about anything.
- I think I’m getting sick
- I’m SO sick
- My dog is sick
- My cat is sick
- My kids are sick
- My iguana is sick
- It’s that time of the month (for the ladies, only)
- I need to visit the veterinarian
- I have a doctor’s appointment
- I have a dentist appointment
12. I’m allergic to it
13. I’m pregnant
14. I just had a baby
15. My wife is pregnant
16. My wife just had a baby
17. I’m too tired
18. My kids are too tired/cranky
19. I’m too busy
20. It’s too cold
22. The weather is too perfect
23. I don’t have the money
24. I don’t have the time
25. I don’t have the desire
26. I have nothing to wear
27. I’ve never done it before
28. I’ve done it too many times before
29. I have a prior commitment
30. I’ll have to play it by ear
32. I can’t afford a babysitter
33. Our babysitter quit
34. It’s not in the budget
35. I won’t know until I have a budget
36. My psychic said not to
37. My shrink said not to
38. My husband/wife said not to
39. I’m not in the mood
40. It’s one of my biggest fears
42. I haven’t had my coffee yet
43. I haven’t had my wine yet
44. I haven’t had my whiskey yet
45. I have to work
46. My husband/wife has to work
47. My life is too complicated
48. My life is boring, but I like it that way
49. That’s not my job
50. That’s his job
52. Why don’t we see if the intern can manage it?
53. I’m too drunk
54. I’m not drunk enough
55. I’m going out of town
56. I’m out of town
57. I just returned from being out of town
58. This isn’t a priority for me
59. I don’t know what my priorities are
60. I’m too busy writing my bucket list
62. I’m too busy living my bucket list
63. I thought you were only joking
64. I was only joking
65. I thought you meant next week
66. I thought you were speaking to someone else
67. I didn’t think you were serious about that
68. My computer is broken
69. My computer has a virus
70. I need to buy a new computer
72. We know each other all too well
73. I have no memory of that
74. My back hurts
75. My knees hurt
76. I just got Lasik
77. The timing is off right now
78. It’s not you, it’s me
79. I have a conference
80. I have a meeting
82. My kids are potty training
83. I have to drop off/pick up my kids from school
84. I have to visit my grandfather in the hospital
85. I already have plans
86. I must wait at home for a delivery
87. I must wait at home for a service call
88. My favorite show is on TV (because I live in another century and don’t have On Demand)
89. I thought you were being sarcastic
90. My hamster died
92. It’s against my religion
93. I’m not religious
94. My parents would kill me if they found out
95. My kids would kill me if they found out
96. I’m not allowed to
97. I don't have the energy
98. My boss said I shouldn’t
99. If the President of the United States doesn’t do it, nor will I
100. It’s a full moon
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Physician Family guest blog: 30 surefire signs you're a mom of young children
Married to medicine: 20 clear signs that you’re married to a doctor
Celebrating Women’s History Month: 10 women of medicine and science that will knock your socks off
A real, imperfect day in the life of a writer: me
What we can all learn from an epic 2-year-old tantrum
Book preview for When Medicine Meets Holy Matrimony: The other shoe
Book preview for When Medicine Meets Holy Matrimony: No, I don’t want no scrubs
When you can't put down that incredible book at 2:00 am: my reading addiction
Humor: I already know your 2017 New Year's resolutions (in memes)
What the what? 10 things I don’t understand about Midwest living
Parenting and humor: Swim diapers are a LIE